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When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

bats instead of butterflies alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Bats instead of butterflies in your stomach? Let’s talk about pre-wedding anxiety attacks

My anxiety attacks me where it will hurt the most — it makes me question my relationship, and now it added crushing doubt about whether I truly wanted to marry the man lying next to me. The very existence of those thoughts crumbled whatever defense I had left, because in that state of mind it feels like every thought that enters my head must, by its very existence, be true, no matter how much I love and want to be with him. Great state of mind for a newly engaged person.

the wedding industry and bridesmaids alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

It’s not just about the bride: The Wedding Industry puts pressure on bridesmaids too!

Somehow the lines of friendship and being a bridesmaid have been blurred by the wedding industry. “Requiring” bridesmaids to throw over-the-top bachelorette parties, or instructing brides that all of their bridesmaids must have matching monogramed robes as gifts, are ways to get people to open their checkbooks just a little more. Wedding websites, magazines and Pinterest are filled with lists and suggestions that can make one feel like, if they aren’t throwing a lavish bridal shower, they aren’t doing it right.

Unconventional bachelorette party ideas as seen on @offbeatbride

From zombies to nudie times: 15 unconventional bachelorette party ideas (great for bachelor parties, too!)

We’ve covered some major ground in unconventional bachelorette party ideas in years past (no plastic penises required!), but there are definitely some party plans that we hadn’t seen, including a few rad-as-hell ideas from readers. From zombies to “bawdy positive” burlesque to bonding nudie times, let’s see what offbeat recreation we can get into today!

fuck weddings tumblr alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Fuck Weddings? Why we have confusing feels about wedding snark

We recently got an email from a reader about her website, called Fuck Weddings. That feels like something we should like. We love have a good sense of humor about ourselves and about weddings. All of us planning weddings need a bit more humor and lols in our lives, right? A good skewering can be good for everyone! At the same time, we’re a bit torn about wedding comedy that feels mean-spirited…