Category Archive


When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

how do you hope chest alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How do you hope chest as an Offbeat Bride?

Older members of my family are asking about my hope chestDo you have anything to put in your hope chest? and There’s a linens sale coming up if you want to pick up some things for your hope chest. I haven’t considered a hope chest at all, and really that the concept of having a hope chest from a young age freaks me out a little. But here’s where things get complicated…

Romantic Winter styled shoot with a married couple from @offbeatbride

A real elopement turned romantic Winter styled shoot bliss

Real life couple, John and Stephanie, eloped on New Year’s Day and didn’t get any photos taken. Jessica of M&J Photography put out a call for a couple to join her on a killer styled shoot, so it was a win-win to get this gorgeous pair photographed. They had all hoped for a romantic Winter styled shoot with snow, but rain was on the menu which still looked AWESOME. You’ll super dig the pink cake, garden setting, and my fave, the floral gown + black veil combo.

Farm wedding bride 01 MetroStyle Studios of Mpls alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Things I learned when I ended up in a traditional wedding dress. Or: How I stopped caring and learned to love the white dress

I thought I would wear pink, blue, or red, certainly never white — and there was no other way I could be true to myself. Well, I bought my pink dress, and then a week later I hated it. I then returned the dress for store credit a month and a half later (thank god for a lucky return policy in a non-traditional wedding shop), and bought one I loved — a white wedding dress. Since I spent a lot of time fretting over not being “different enough,” I figured I’d share how I stopped caring and learned to love my traditional wedding dress…

Being a woman doesnt mean I know how to plan weddings alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

News flash: Being a woman doesn’t mean I know how to plan weddings

While I am a cisgender woman, I do not always adhere to the expectations of my gender (like many women). While I’ve come to terms with it in most parts of my life, there is something about the wedding process that shoves it in your face again and again and again…

While many vendors have been kind with my ignorance once I flat-out own it, there seems to be a constant, persistent expectation that I should have more of this wedding thing figured out, or that my double-X chromosome has given me fluency in this secret wedding language.