How important is it for people to say yours was the BEST WEDDING EVER?
Y’all know I loves me some data, and this little nugget from Splendid Insights is a hot nugget — turns out that generally speaking, almost 70% of us think having the BEST WEDDING EVER matters. Maybe it’s not the top priority, but it still matters.
What does this say about us?
Gen X vs Millennials: How Offbeat Brides of different ages are super different
In my work with Offbeat Bride, I’ve been around people planning their weddings for a decade. It’s to the point where I meet people (…adult people! People of very acceptable marrying age!) who are like “I’ve been reading you since middle school.” People have been reading this website since menarche, my friends!
As the years have marched on, I’ve started noticing this shift in weddings, that I think reflects a larger cultural and generational shift between my peers (which is sorta the tail end of Gen X) and my younger pals (aww, Millennials I love your beards and artisianal pickles). My undergrad degree is in sociology, so people-watching large groups is my favorite favorite in favorite town, and so pull up a chair and let’s muse on larger cultural trends, mmkay?
Anyone else struggling with FEELING engaged while not officially engaged?
My boyfriend and I frequently talk about getting married — to the point that we have already decided on a wedding date, a venue for both ceremony and receptions, bridal parties, and guest list. But he has yet to pop the question. So while I’m feeling guilty about being twenty yards ahead, he feels guilty being twenty yards behind. I’m struggling with already FEELING engaged while not quite officially being there yet. How do I slow down this crazy wedding train?!
Tradition, confusion, and appropriation: Changing your name in an intercultural marriage
There’s a lot to consider when contemplating a name change, of course: personal branding, publications if you’re an writer, your spouse’s feelings on the matter, your own thoughts. But there are extra things to mull over if your marriage is an intercultural one. With that in mind, here’s what I thought about when making my decision…