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When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

A greenhouse wedding shower as seen on @offbeatbride #wedding #shower

A green house wedding shower: best idea or bestest idea?

Caitlinn and Luke are planning their summer camp wedding for later this year, but we’ve got a sneak peek at their killer really green house wedding shower first. Our eyes were seriously boggling over the lush greenery, succulents, and plant-themed goodies that were served. Plus, who plans a wedding shower in a green house? Flippin’ love it. Don’t miss the seed packet favors, veggies everywhere, and dinosaur touches.

Wedding shower game free printable: wedding tradition origins as seen on @offbeatbride #shower #games

Co-ed printable wedding shower game: can you guess these wedding traditions?

We love us some wedding shower games, and we got a great one from a reader recently that asks party guests to guess the origins of some popular wedding traditions. I then whipped up a printable version of the wedding traditions wedding shower game for everyone to print and use at your parties. Here’s the original suggestion and of course, the printable game sheet + answer key.

batman cake topper on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Judgment, money, and freak-outs: how this groom helped his partner find a wedding dress

Offbeat grooms (and anyone with a partner who wear dresses): this one’s for you. Here’s an excerpt from Rick Webb’s new book, Man Nup: A Groom’s Guide to Heroic Wedding Planning, which tackles the issues of grooms navigating the murky waters of their partner’s dress shopping. Let’s talk about the interplay of grooms and wedding dresses.

ASMR for wedding planning stress as seen on @offbeatbride #asmr #weddingplanning

OPEN THREAD: ASMR as your tingly wedding planning anti-stress tool

ASMR (or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) is something I have been experiencing my whole life but for which I never had a name. I guarantee some of you will see this phenomenon and it will be the revelation of your existence. Some of you will have no idea what it’s all about. We’re here for the former: those of us who totally know the power of the head tingles. What are YOUR favorite ASMR YouTube accounts to which to bliss out?