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When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

Watch 100 years of vintage ring styles in one short video as seen on @offbeatbride #vintage #engagementrings

Watch 100 years of vintage ring styles in one short video

Mode’s most recent 100 Years of Fashion video highlighting 100 years of vintage ring styles was pretty illuminating for those of us who are so used to seeing vintage rings that it’s actually hard to remember from which era they originated. It might also make you realize how susceptible you might be to trends (I know I am!) AND why that’s totally okay. Let’s watch the vid and see what vintage ring styles are still popular today.

Why do you consume wedding media alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Why read wedding blogs?

Why are you here right now? If the data I have is accurate, chances are pretty good that you’re looking for wedding ideas (you KNOW we have a million for you to steal) or trying to get inspired. Neither of these are especially surprising, right? I see the same cycle happen every year, with a wave of freshly engaged folks flooding in looking for ideas and inspiration… and then at a certain point being like “Oh my god, I’m overwhelmed with ideas! I have too much inspiration! I need to stop looking at wedding inspo and start, like, actually getting some shit done.”

But let’s talk over all the other reasons you might be reading…

Overdone wedding trends as seen on @offbeatbride #wedding #trends

Overdone wedding trends that have jumped the shark

I read one article with a trend expert who explained, “Gone are the days of the white hydrangea,” and I thought — wait, the white hydrangea had days? What the fuck?

On any given day, you can simultaneously find someone bemoaning and celebrating the exact same fucking trend! Boho weddings are sooooo hot this year! No wait: “We’ll see the bohemian trend head out before you know it.”

How we're making peace with our streamlined wedding

How we’re making peace with our no bells and whistles wedding in the WIC pressure cooker

Planning a budget-friendly, streamlined wedding that doesn’t feature all the “bells and whistles” of traditional weddings is not without its judgments and that’s where my recent stress has been coming in. Wedding planning forums can make you question if your wedding is going to be remembered as the “worst wedding ever,” your ideas suck, and it’s all going to be tacky, especially if you are cutting some corners, budget-wise. Here’s how we’re handling the pressure.