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When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

Level up your game with cosplay engagement photos as seen on @offbeatbride

Level up your game with cosplay engagement photos

We’ve featured our fair share of costume weddings, cosplay-inspired weddings, and even cosplaying wedding vendors, but we will never tire of seeing readers dressed in their finest cosplay. We featured a military pre-deployment wedding a while back and we couldn’t help but single out their rad-as-hell Game of Thrones cosplay shoot at the Chicago convention, Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2).

Surviving as offbeat in mainstream online communities

Surviving as offbeat in mainstream online communities

Is it just me, or is it difficult being an Offbeat Bride on more traditional websites? While I love to talk about planning weddings, why are the communities on these websites as a whole so judgmental? Is it just me that’s met with this…hostility, if I even dare to ask about something that seems too offbeat, taboo, and “rude?” We’re just surviving as offbeat in mainstream online communities…

Bridal 'best selves': when is too far?

Bridal “best selves”: when is too far?

As with many Offbeat Bride readers, this blog was a welcome antidote to the bridal mags and blogs that represent all brides as being white, thin, tanned, and perfect. Not that there’s anything wrong with those things, but when you don’t fit into that round hole, the bridal industry can make you feel a bit like Square Peggy. Aiming for perfection in any aspect of a wedding, whether it’s your letter-pressed invites or sun-dappled forest grove location, is asking for tears before bedtime.

Harry Potter meets Star Wars wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

I solemnly swear these DIYed Harry Potter programs are up to no good

We’ve got a geektastic Harry Potter and Star Wars wedding coming up this week, but I seriously couldn’t wait to share the DIYed Marauders’ Map programs made by the bride, Andrea, herself. They took over 40 hours to make by hand and it shows. The Harry Potter programs opened in three different directions to reveal the sequence of events at the ceremony and a special thank you message from the couple.

Are you seeing the footprints pointing at “Processional?” So flippin’ adorable. Fellow Potterphiles: are you not entertained?! Let’s peek at the rest of these Harry potter programs at Andrea and Ron’s wedding. Stay tuned for the rest of the wedding (including floral R2-D2!) later this week…