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When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

Challenging "normal" wedding planning when I lost my mother while engaged

Challenging “normal” wedding planning when I lost my mother while engaged

I considered myself to be an “ordinary bride,” that is until my mother died, and then I discovered that the definition of normalcy is what you deem appropriate, especially when it comes to wedding planning.

The 11th Doctor travels through time with his TARDIS: it's Doctor Who wedding inspiration!

The 11th Doctor travels through time with his TARDIS: it’s Doctor Who wedding inspiration!

Cosplayer Jazzmin Jolly and Eleventh Doctor Josh had a stellar time traveling through space and time (and New Jersey beaches!) for this Whovian shoot. There was an on-trend bouquet for the groom (on a budget, too– only $30 for all the flowers!), an envy-inducing TARDIS dress, and even a sneaky reference to the Doctor’s wife — hello sweetie!

Love has NO color: how I found the man who embraced my dark skin

Love has NO color

My color has always defined me for as long as I can remember. I am a very dark, black woman. If you’re aware of what’s been happening to my people and women (since the beginning of time) who look like me, you may know exactly what this means. I’M A VERY DARK, BLACK WOMAN — enough said. Being me comes with a lot of judgement and I’ve had my fair share of ridicule.

Cue years of self-doubt, years of undoing the very horrible thoughts you created in your head because you actually started to believe the things that were being spewed at you for years on end. Fast forward to my mid-twenties and cue the love of my life…

This dancer bride cast her bridesmaids in a bachelorette party music video

This dancer bride cast her bridesmaids in a bachelorette party music video

In “bachelorette parties we could never dream of having” news, bride Jana B. managed to craft a full-scale DANCE MUSIC VIDEO with her bridesmaids. Caveat: Jana is a professional dancer and her crew (from dancers to dentists!) is clearly willing and able to pull this off. Could most of us do it, too? Hell no. Is it fun to watch? Hell yes…