Category Archive


When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

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Husbands and grooms: let’s talk about men changing their last names

When researching the Offbeat Bride book, without a doubt the hottest topic among my labs rats was women changing their last names. One increasingly popular method of dealing with this feminist minefield is both the bride and the groom assuming a new last name. Seems to solve all the problems, right?

Well, turns out that in many states it’s significantly harder for husbands to change their last names.

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Groom shot or band photo?

While trawling through the Offbeat Bride flickr group, I was struck by how some of the hipper “groom and his men” shots look more like band photos. When are these guys taking it on the road?

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The Official Unveiling

My book, Offbeat Bride: Tafetta-Free Alternatives for Independent Brides is into bookstores now, but this website simply can’t wait another day. So, I’m decreeing 2007 The Year Of The Offbeat Bride and unveiling (har) this website! There’s a lot here — the requisite book information, but also what I hope will become a pretty robust batch of […]