Category Archive


When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

Christie (aka RedDress) says “just a moment, dear!”

Aww! This wedding photo just came to me from Christie (aka RedDress on the Offbeat Bride Tribe) with a note saying: Thank you Ariel for writing such an amazing book and starting such an amazing online community. Phill and I just wanted to show our appreciation, and we thought you might like this. Much love, […]

4144654605 5815b89845 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Offbeat Bride & diversity

I see a bazillion tattooed white women, but very few Black punk brides, goth Asian brides, geeky Latina brides, etc. Where are all the Offbeat Brides of color?

short ruffled wedding dresses alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Short ruffly wedding dresses

Lately, I’ve been noticing lots of short, colorful and playfully ruffled wedding dresses on offbeat brides. I’m guessing I’ll be seeing even more in Spring 2009 weddings. Here are a couple recent examples: For more info about the wedding on the left, over to Merge Weddings’ flickr stream. For more info about the wedding on […]

brandon alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A little wedding photo gender role reversal

it’s nice to see that someone flipping the script a bit with this shot of Brandon and Karen here. Bonus: look at how Brandon’s hair matches Karen’s bouquet!