Category Archive


When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

theknot vs offbeatbride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Where did the original OBBs come from, has my relationship changed post-wedding, and do I ever get sick of weddings?

How did you manage to attract the initial OBBs who have been so eager to share their stories with you? -Monica H. When I first started researching my book in 2005, I did what most journalists do: I put a call out to my network of writing colleagues across the country to see who had […]

3763245023 55cd231084 o alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Smoking hot groom in a Manuel jacket

The groom was only the tip of the style iceberg at Christine‘s wedding, but really … I’ve got to start SOMEWHERE, right? This stunning jacket is from Manuel, the Nashville tailor who’s made shit for rock stars for decades. Not to be outdone by the stylin’ groom, Christine was pretty much rocking it with her […]

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One groom’s perspective on taking his wife’s last name

So far the name change hasn’t cost me more than a few hours of paperwork, some explanations to public officials and a few strained conversations with brittle relatives who think I’ve joined a matrilineal cult. I still feel like myself. My identity remains intact. Marriage will demand larger sacrifices than this, I expect.

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Rewearing wedding outfits, blogger time management, and raving

This is my new regular feature where I answer questions from readers. Not wedding advice questions (I do that over here) but personal questions, blogging questions, etc. Let’s dive in… Do you have any pics of yourself and Andre [sic] re-using wedding stuff? (Like your outfit?) -Corinne I swear Andreas wore his sleeveless tux jacket […]