Category Archive


When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

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Having a pre-wedding freak-out? Here’s a dose of sanity for ya…

“I have all the planning done and everything is falling into place and I’m freaking out for no reason.” If this sounds like you, here’s a good dose of pre-wedding sanity…

Wedding Day Mistake

How a little wedding day mistake helped strengthen my marriage

Tribe member Amber has a little dose of good therapy for us. Here’s the story of how she turned to yoga and her Buddhist teachings to help her get over a wedding day screw up.

username alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Usernames and the bridentity crisis

Running an online network, I get an interesting insight into the names that people (women, specifically) use for themselves online. And one of the many ways identity shifts are expressed are through usernames and avatars.

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Yes, you DO need the book in addition to reading the website

Tribe member LucyTuppa explains how she was “saved by the book” as it were. Turns out, Ariel knows a thing or two about wedding planning… who woulda’ guessed!? -Megs