Category Archive


When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

Bridzillas sucks alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Why reality tv is missing the boat with non-traditional weddings

Television wants Offbeat Brides. They know you’re out there, all gorgeous and colorful and smelling yummy. They covet you and see you as deliciously untouched virgin territory. The problem is, like virgins themselves, once they’re anywhere near you — they’re completely unsure of what to do with you!

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Open expectations: stop wanting the perfect wedding

Since I got engaged, I’ve been saying that I have “open expectations,” a phrase I learned here on Offbeat Bride. (Correct use of the term “open expectations” could be something like, “My expectations are not low, they are open.”) At thirty-three days to go until my wedding, I’ve learned that the best thing about open expectations is this…

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Why the mason jar trend isn’t ruining the wedding industry

In the latest chapter of the on-going online discussion about hating trends and trashing wedding blogs, came this piece entitled, The Mason jar manifesto, wherein a photographer scolds couples, photographers, and wedding planners alike for putting effort into wedding details and trends like Mason jars and twinkly fairy lights. It’s been pretty well received by other photographers as well as wedding industry people, but I wasn’t a fan.

Maybe y’all will hate me and ride me out of the alternative wedding blogging biz on a rail when I say — details are the shit! Details make my day. Give me a great photo of some unexpected detail and I’m “dayum Ariel, did you check this out!? Let’s feature this asap.” You know why?

5146009260 c0d1ec0856 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

“It’s your day” as a myth, in the anthropological sense

As an anthropologist, Shrubby observes patterns of behavior for a living. So, of course she couldn’t help herself from using this finely-honed skill as she explores the wilds of wedding culture. In this guest post, Shrubby breaks down the idea of the “it’s your day” mythology and its implications and uses during wedding planning.