A stealthy Pagan wedding reading
The question of how to tailor our ceremony to be “authentically us” yet not alienate some of the very Christian guests and family was definitely a point of discussion when we were planning our Pagan wedding ceremony.
Why I’m using a reading from “Les Misérables” at my Pagan wedding
My partner is atheist, and I am an Atheistic Pagan, so we do not have a concept of a religious soul. Finding a wedding reading that feels right has been challenging, but we settled on a reading is from Victor Hugo’s book, Les Misérables. The soul mentioned in this passage–to us–is human energy. Love is the greatest of those energies.
How to write a wedding poem to make ’em cry
When my nephew Chase asked me to read a poem during their wedding ceremony, I was honored, even more so when they asked if I would write one for the occasion. But I had no idea where to begin figuring out how to write a wedding poem. …Finding the right reading for a wedding is hard enough, but writing one?
Ours is written in blood: A wedding reading for book lovers
My partner and I are huge book nerds. I recently published a love poem inspired by that fact… and I thought it might make a great reading for other bibliophile Offbeat Bride readers like us!