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Wedding advice and etiquette can be a weird thing, especially when you’re talking about alternative and offbeat weddings. We pride ourselves on our compassionate focus on constructive, respectful communication and focus on conflict resolution.

Wedding pirates: making peace when a friend steals your wedding ideas

Wedding pirates: making peace when a friend steals your wedding ideas

Wedding planning is hard, you guys. This we know. You’re inundated with ideas, traditions, must-haves, how-tos, and a general sense of “whatthefuckdidigetinto.” So you start to panic. You search Pinterest or Offbeat Bride or wherever to figure out how to plan this hugh jass party you’ve never planned before. But wait, you know something. You’ve been to weddings. You’ve been to friends’ weddings. And that’s where kernals of ideas start to happen. Is it a slippery slope to “stealing” ideas from friends? Yep. And if you’re the friend with the ideas, you may not like it. Not when you’ve carefully crafted your aesthetic and DIY projects and authentic-to-you ideas. Here’s how to deal when you feel that a friend has stolen your wedding ideas…

A most excellent sample wedding budget ($20k edition)

Plan your $20k wedding with this sample wedding budget spreadsheet

Wendy and Robert rocked a steampunk-themed costume wedding that we loved. We featured their steampunk duel recently. Wendy shared with us their $20k wedding budget that we felt would be an awesome sample wedding budget for anyone rocking that general area of price tag. Let’s take a peek…

Postcard escort cards will give your guests travel wanderlust

Postcard escort cards will give your guests wanderlust AND show them to their tables

Courtney and Kelly had one of those travel-themed weddings that gives us chills and the urge to buy plane tickets. Their postcard escort cards were an even bigger invitation to get out of Dodge and start traveling. At least to their table at the reception, at least.

This idea makes me think of a globe guest book (they did that, too!), so it’s a whole package deal with the travel theme.

How to win at rockin' an empowering and intimate couple's session

Life hack for bonding with your partner: an intimate couple’s session (and how to rock it!)

The goal of an intimate couple’s session is to capture your connection and love you feel for your partner. Intimate sessions can be for newlyweds, anniversaries, or a way to take re-connect with your partner. The point is to capture beautiful photos of you being yourselves in your place or a location where you fill comfortable with the surroundings. Here are some ways to rock your intimate couple’s session and make it a serious bonding experience for you and your partner.