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Wedding advice and etiquette can be a weird thing, especially when you’re talking about alternative and offbeat weddings. We pride ourselves on our compassionate focus on constructive, respectful communication and focus on conflict resolution.

petri dish crosstitch from nerdylittlestitcher on offbeatbride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Weddings: the petri dish of family drama

All sorts of your interests and lifestyle choices probably seem a little odd to your family, but until you’re planning a wedding, it’s easier to ignore the differences. It’s not until you have the combination of two families coming together, social anxiety, financial considerations, religious and cultural traditions that all these things are forced up into your face.

dark lips wedding alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Why you can TOTALLY rock dark lipstick at your wedding

“I love dark, bold colors, but everyone keeps telling me that dark lips aren’t a way to go.” No dark lips at weddings?! I forgot that was even a thing way back when. Or is it still now? The only thing I have to say to that is fuck that noise. Dark lips are a thing in life, in photo shoots, and most definitely in weddings. Here’s some primo dark wedding lipstick fodder to show to anyone who balks.

popcorn alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Serve up flavored popcorn favors to your guests (with recipes!)

Nidia and Jamal had tons of things going for their sweet Indiana wedding, but we couldn’t stop drooling over their many flavors of popcorn favors (among a few favors!) they served to their guests. They had Chicago Mix (a Chicago staple of cheddar cheese and caramel mix), Asian BBQ, and Bombay Seasoning. I totally want all of those flavors right now.

You could translate this idea to the reception, cocktail hour, or even before the ceremony for mid-tears noshing.

Doing good while celebrating: wedding charity ideas to support your favorite causes

Doing good while getting wed: wedding charity ideas to support your favorite causes

“In lieu of a gift registry, what are some of the options/ideas to ask people to give to charity? My partner and I met volunteering and are passionate about that particular organization and some others. We’d love to get others on board with helping support these places but are wondering how to do that.” Boy do we have ideas for you! From donations to charitable registries, there are lots of ways to give back. Here’s a roundup of charity wedding ideas…