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Wedding advice and etiquette can be a weird thing, especially when you’re talking about alternative and offbeat weddings. We pride ourselves on our compassionate focus on constructive, respectful communication and focus on conflict resolution.

alternative and offbeat engagement photo ideas

21 fun engagement photo ideas to inspire your own pics

There’s more to fun engagement photo ideas than gazing into each others’ eyes in a park. You can do, well, anything! We put out the call for some alternative ideas for engagement shoot ideas and our vendors came through with some winners. We’re talking movie and TV references, arcade gaming, dinosaur cameos, lightsabers, wands, and dance parties anywhere.

Don't want your period at the wedding? Try a period calculator to predict your dates

Don’t want your period at the wedding? Try a period calculator to predict your dates

Those of us with periods, and specifically with fairly predictable ones, have one tiny advantage to picking a wedding date. There’s a way to kinda-sorta predict when you might have your period around your wedding date. These period calculators are usually intended for predicting ovulation and fertility, but we can totally use them to pick a wedding date that will likely not be one of your period days.

Here are a few to try out…

Your cheatsheet for what to include on wedding invitation

Your cheatsheet for what to include on wedding invitation

When it comes to invitation wording, we’ve got you covered. But what if you just need a cheatsheet for what to include on wedding invitation? What do you HAVE to include and what’s just a nice-to-have? Here’s a recap of all the information you’ll want on there, what bonus information helps, and what you can totally offshore to a wedding website. Let’s get to cheatsheeting!

How to create your bridal shop moment with your online bought dress

How to create your bridal shop moment with your online bought dress

It’s way easier to buy online than it ever has been before. This online shopping convenience comes with a tiny cost, though: you don’t have that bridal store moment where you let your crew see you in the dress/outfit and ooh and ahh. The remedy? Create that shit yourself!

Here are my tips to create your bridal shop moment with your online purchased dress…

A frostbitten Canadian park elopement (with bison!)

Give your guests face time with cardboard cut-outs of your gorgeous mugs

When you’re determined that everyone at your wedding can get some real face time with you, employ the use of some fakes! Yep, we’re talking cardboard cut-outs of your mugs for use in photos, on the dance floor, and just for general fun.

Brianne and Dale had big cut-outs of their faces looking hilariously stern that were passed around so that everyone could get a little one-on-one with the newlyweds.

What's the heck is a microwedding (and could it be the perfect wedding for you?)

4 reasons you should have a micro wedding (plus, micro wedding venues and ideas)

If you’ve seen the word “microwedding” around the internet, your brain may jump straight to eloping, right? But a microwedding is a tiny wedding of under 50ish people, usually planned in a similar fashion to larger weddings but on a smaller scale.

If you can get over the hurdle of convincing your ultra nearest and dearest that it’s okay to only have them at the wedding, you’re in the clear to plan your own microwedding. Ready to see if a microwedding will be your jam? Here are the reasons teeny tiny weddings kick serious ass…