What invitation design software should I use for my DIY wedding invitations?
Whether it’s because of the rotten economy or because you want to add a personal touch, I support anyone who uses the tools at hand to bring their wedding to life. Invitations can really set the tone for your wedding (they’re the first thing your guests see, right?) and it’s not surprising that many couples want to have an active hand in this important first step.
Nonbinary wedding suit shopping tips
The bad news is that you will not be renting anything, and you will not be getting off the hook for less than $300 to $400 if you buy the suit new. The good news is that a good-quality suit will last twenty years if your size remains stable and you care for it well.
Why you should start thinking about thank you cards BEFORE your wedding
You ladies know me: I’m really not one to talk that much about “shoulds” or “gottas” around weddings. But there’s one “should” that I feel the need to emphasize: You really should send thank you cards for all gifts received during the course of planning your wedding with-in two months of the wedding itself. First, a word about why…
Goth wedding etiquette from Gothic Charm School
The author of Gothic Charm School: An Essential Guide for Goths and Those Who Love Them shares her etiquette tips for goths and the wedding guests who love them.