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Wedding advice and etiquette can be a weird thing, especially when you’re talking about alternative and offbeat weddings. We pride ourselves on our compassionate focus on constructive, respectful communication and focus on conflict resolution.

This couple traveled to Nashville to elope at the totality of the solar eclipse

Should we invite our high-drama family to our at-home elopement?

So here’s my dilemma: if we invite my parents to our ceremony, they’ll gripe and stress us both out with their negativity. There are times when my fiance wants to invite his sister and her family (husband and two kids), but if you invite them, you have to invite my parents, too. It could all be avoided if our celebration was just with the two of us. However, since we’re eloping in our backyard, they’ll definitely be angry about not being invited when they see the photos. How do we handle this?

6 easy ways to show your appreciation for your wedding photographer (that will make them swoon!)

6 easy ways to show appreciation for your wedding photographer (that will make them swoon!)

Being a wedding photographer is AMAZING. I mean, we get to capture one of the most important, meaningful days in your lives, creating timeless photographs for you. But with that comes a lot of work and responsibility. Of course, we love it when you pay your invoices on time, and tips are never expected, but always appreciated. But there are some really easy, totally free things you can do that really make our hearts happy.

Here are some simple things you can do to show some wedding photographer appreciation…

Wedding bubbles are back, baby! 5 ways to bubble-ize your wedding

Wedding bubbles are back, baby! 5 ways to bubble-ize your wedding

We’ve seen tea lights, sparklers and donut walls, but the latest throwback trend is a firm childhood favorite — bubbles! But how can you use bubbles to create a perfect touch, rather than just a cheesy nostalgic wave to your youth?

From confetti alternatives to your first dance, here are five ways to use bubbles on your wedding day…

I'm nonbinary with an non-accepting family: should I be in my sister's wedding?

Should I be a nonbinary bridesmaid in my sister’s wedding?

My sister has asked me to a bridesmaid. I’m deeply estranged from the majority of my extended relatives. She’s turning this wedding into a family reunion (300+ guests). I thought I had enough to worry about with being nonbinary and potentially needing to deal with gender dysphoria on the day, but many of these relatives are horrendously bigoted as well. Part of me wants to say fuck it and be outrageously myself as a nonbinary bridesmaid… but my anxious self fears for my safety. I’m not out to everyone.Should I ask to be demoted from bridesmaid to “regular guest” status so I can have full choice over what I wear?

I didn't bother to get offbeat vendors and now I regret it

I didn’t bother to hire offbeat vendors and now I regret it

As I get deeper into planning the wedding, I’m weirdly worried about living up to my photographers (and others) expectations and I worry about not being a “hot” enough bride with a “pretty” enough wedding. How do I keep the wedding day focused on what my fiance and I want, even though some of the people around us have different expectations?

Unwanted wedding guests: We don't want a sexual predator at our wedding

Unwanted wedding guests: We don’t want a sexual predator at our wedding

We found out recently that one of our creepy old friends sexually assaulted someone. Needless to say, he is NOT invited to our wedding… any more. The problem here is that we sent our save-the-dates six weeks before we found out. How do we ensure that this predator doesn’t show up at our wedding? Do we have to explicitly tell him that he isn’t invited anymore, or do we casually “forget” to send out his invitation? What if he shows up anyway?