A dress shop worker’s tips on how to get a better deal on your wedding dress
I’m a retail worker in the bridal industry in Australia, and I’m also a bride myself. Everyone wants a better deal on their dress, and for those of you shopping at brick and mortar dress shops, I wanted to offer some tips about how to talk to retail workers if you want to negotiate the price of your wedding dress down… from someone who works in the industry and knows.
Don’t tell my boss, but I want you to get a better deal!
How to have unique wedding toasts that aren’t sexist
If you’re dreading your best man’s speech (“Thank you for the booze, I’m so funny and has anyone here not seen the groom naked yet, because you’re about to!!”) here are five ways to help keep your wedding toasts feeling awesome.
How to find a venue for your polyamorous wedding
Choosing a wedding venue can be complicated. Costs, location, size, catering rules… What if you also need to make sure that your venue is polyam-friendly?
My biggest wedding regret: don’t let someone else pay for your wedding!
It’s for me to hard to look at my wedding photos, because of wedding regrets. I have many regrets, but my biggest golden kernel of advice to couples is this: Never, never EVER let someone else pay for your wedding.
Not if you’re marrying a trust funder, not if your parents are insisting, not if you can’t pay yourself. Save up your dollars and have an extended engagement, then use those cold hard Benjamins to have the wedding YOU want.