Mother of the bride dresses that are not frumpy
Your mom should wear something that not only looks and feels good, but that expresses her style (and potentially the style of the wedding!). Here are some suggestions for the Offbeat Bride and Groom’s moms out there.
The dreaded dress lust (also called, Dress Envy, Dress Regret, etc…)
You know that feeling when you already have your THEE DRESS but then you see another amazing design and think, hmm? Maybe that wasn’t THEE DRESS because it’s quite possible that this one is THEE DRESS. Yeah, it happens. Check out how one Offbeat Bride dealt with her dress lust…
My “no wedding talk” vacation, and why you need one too
Ah, what a few 3,500 meter mountains will do to put everything in perspective. Taiwan is a tiny island, and we are two single expats on it, out of several hundred thousand Westerners, and quite a few more expats from other Asian countries. And yet, as insignificant as I am on this teeming, overpopulated rock, the wedding was taking on ridiculous proportions, overwhelming my life and becoming the center of everything I thought was important. To the point where I wondered what it was like to be someone who didn’t really care about The Wedding, or Any Wedding. I am not really the “OMG it’s the most specialest day of my liiiife!” kinda girl, so when I realized that I was becoming that girl without actually believing the hype, well, that was doubly worrying.
Offbeat guide to the wedding photo shot list
The Offbeat Bride guide to wedding photography shot lists with tons of tips on how to make the wedding photography run as smooth as possible.