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Wedding advice and etiquette can be a weird thing, especially when you’re talking about alternative and offbeat weddings. We pride ourselves on our compassionate focus on constructive, respectful communication and focus on conflict resolution.

Party Only Reception Invite e1707555182912 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Wedding Announcement Wording – Make Sure Uninvited Guests Don’t Feel Hurt

Here’s your challenge: how to share your good news with people without making them feel like A) they were excluded from the good times, or B) you expect anything from them. In other words, you want to share the good news without bragging or making it seem like you’re fishing for gifts. We’ve got copy ‘n’ paste ideas for you!

illustrateddresses4 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Buying the dress (an illustrated adventure)

At first I wasn’t going to to the sample sale, because when I hear about bridal sample sales, I think of roaming, semi-feral packs of friends all wearing matching t-shirts and clubbing each other to death over the first spotting of what might be a Vera Wang…

transdragqueens2 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

What do you wear to your wedding when you’re transgender and love drag?

Our wedding is an all-day affair, carnival-style, ending in a sunset ceremony with a late night afterparty reception. We decided that this required at least three changes of clothes. But… we have a little gender problem.

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My top 5 “ah-ha!” wedding moments: Shit I’m glad I know now

Besides the obvious “ah-ha!” moment of “OMG I’m SO glad I found Offbeat Bride,” I wanted to share the top-five realizations I’ve had while planning this thing. These tidbits may not be for everyone, but if my best friend were getting married, this is what I’d tell her.