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Wedding advice and etiquette can be a weird thing, especially when you’re talking about alternative and offbeat weddings. We pride ourselves on our compassionate focus on constructive, respectful communication and focus on conflict resolution.

how to tell people theyre not invited to your wedding e1707555082139 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

10 blunt-but-loving ways to tell people they’re not invited to your wedding

While there’s no way to make everyone happy, I do believe that there are a few key phrases you can use to let uninvited guests to that you love them, you SO appreciate their interest, but no: they’re still not invited.

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What should a best woman wear? Fashion for groomsgirls & best women

You might think the only way to make a gender-blind wedding party work is to match the switcheroo with the other side of the party. But hold on, because that’s just one of a few options. Let’s take a look at what we’ve seen among our own Best Women and Groomsgirls. Bring on the ladies crossing the gender divide!

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The five rules of drama-free wedding planning

I’ve noticed in planning my wedding that people are questioning my decisions a lot more than they usually do. People, especially families, don’t tend to question other life decisions as much as they do weddings. With that in mind, here are five rules for wedding planning that are incredibly sensible.

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Tailor the length of your engagement to the length of the relationship, and other advice from a newlywed

Drea has been through the scheming, planning, and wedding having and she’s made it through the other side all in one piece. She was kind enough to offer up some of her post-wedding-having advice for us. So let’s glean all that we can. Get to gleaning!