The “faux-ficial” Bridesmaids’ Bill of Rights
I’m planning to officially ask my potential bridesmiads to be my maids of awesome/wedding goon squad/honor guard/etc. In the package I put together for them, I included this faux-official Bridesmaids’ Bill of Rights, both for a laugh and to assuage any nervousness.
Your top 10 wedding invitations from
I do this a couple times a year: I go peeking at the sales reports of what Offbeat Brides are buying from Minted so that I can see which wedding invitation designs you guys are loving. Why? Because you guys have fucking awesome taste, and I like to get inspired. So let’s take a look at the wedding invitations that are floating y’all’s boats this fall. Let’s count down the 10 most popular designs.
Stop the violence against glassware: 6 glass-clinking alternatives
Are you like me — a person who HATES the glass-clinking tradition? If you aren’t comfortable kissing on command, or bringing out the bitch face, here are some useful glass clinking alternatives from Offbeat Bride readers…
Brawny, stout, or burly: larger grooms look HOT
Our offbeat grooms come in all shapes and sizes and we wouldn’t want it any other way. We decided to dig into our archives for groom (and androgynous) styles that can work on all body types. Note: not all of these men are above average size, but they are all wearing styles that are big and tall-friendly.