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Wedding advice and etiquette can be a weird thing, especially when you’re talking about alternative and offbeat weddings. We pride ourselves on our compassionate focus on constructive, respectful communication and focus on conflict resolution.

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My dress doesn’t define me: How a tomboy learned to love taffeta

I have always been a tomboy. That’s not to say that I’ve never worn a dress before; I do like to get “dressed up,” but my definition of dressed up doesn’t match most of society’s definition. Now I love a pretty dress as much as the next girl, but trying to find a wedding gown that suited my personality and my budget was one of the hardest things about planning my wedding. I hated everything. I didn’t want a formfitting dress but somehow I couldn’t fit the notion of those giant cupcake dresses in with my lack of femininity.

Shane Macomber Kelli washing dishes alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Is it fair to ask for advice from wedding vendors you’re not going to hire?

Can vendors you aren’t hiring still help you with your wedding plans? Should you even reach out and ask if you know you aren’t going to hire them? Based on one Offbeat Bride readers’ experience we took this question to wedding planner Kelli from Shindig Events. And the answer just might help make your wedding planning a lot easier.

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One-lowmanship and luxury shame: one more way you’re supposed to feel bad about your stupid wedding

I know from the our reader survey exactly how many of you are trying to plan economical weddings with budgets under $10k (or $5k… or $2k). It’s a lot of you. But I also know exactly how many of you are planning weddings over $10k — and even over $30k. And I know how many of you are feeling weird about it.

yay flag office alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

3 reasons why you might want to avoid talking about your wedding at work (and 1 reason why you totally SHOULD talk about it)

We’ve already discussed How to talk about your wedding on Facebook without pissing people off, but how about the other social landscape fraught with gaping anxiety pits and hidden ditches of drama? The workplace.

Now, I KNOW how many of you are reading this at work right now (shh: no shame), so let’s talk this one through: you’re engaged, you’re excited, and you spend many hours a week in the same place, with the same people, doing the same stuff. But I’ve got three super important things you should consider before talking about your wedding at work… things that may make you not want to discuss it there, ever. And then I’ve got one super solid reason for why you totally SHOULD talk about your wedding at work.