“How can a dress make you fat?”: Judging my value by more than my clothes
Recently, I overheard a (rather curmudgeonly) acquaintance complaining, “These days, no one cares about who you are inside or what you do anymore: you can behave as hatefully as you want, as long as you wear the right shirt.” At the time, I rolled my eyes, and he backed down from such an extreme example; but when I returned home and was fretting about wedding things again, his remarks came back to me, and gave me a wee epiphany about wedding planning
I don’t know if someone got us a wedding gift… should I send a thank you card?
Now that the wedding is over, we have a list of 10 couples who came to the wedding, and did not give anything. It concerns me, because I am hoping that nothing got lost. I just don’t want to mess something up (etiquette wise). And I don’t want to ASK these people if they gave something, in case they didn’t. But the WORST would be not thanking them if they did give something but we just didn’t receive it. What do I do?
Save money on catering: ask about kid food!
Here’s the deal: you’re having your wedding catered. Your guestlist is starting to look big, and it’s filled with children! You need to save money, but you have all these adorable kids to feed, and only so much cash on hand to spend on kale caeser salads and wild salmon.
Well, here’s your solution, courtesy of an Offbeat Bride named Tammara…
How to get your wedding party involved (and not hate you afterwards)
We’ve talked many times about the challenges that can arise when your wedding attendants are helping you organize your wedding, but I’m not sure we’ve ever addressed how you can get help from your bridesmaids or other wedding party members. It’s a delicate dance, to be sure… you want help with your wedding, and ideally you want the people helping you not to hate you after it’s all done. You can totally do it. Here’s how.