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Invitation advice

We’re here to help you with wedding invitation wording and wedding invitation advice for all your sticky, awkward situations.

funny RSVP alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Get wedding guests to RSVP on time with a secret deadline

Something I see all the time is people sighing/complaining/fretting because their RSVP date has come and gone, yet only 50 of the 200 people invited have RSVPed at all. Thankfully, I work with literary magazines around my campus, and they have a brilliant strategy about submissions: TWO DEADLINES.

hawaiian destination wedding invitation suite alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

When to send out all those damn wedding cards and invitations

Save the Dates, shower and bachelor/ette parties, wedding invitations, Thank You cards… when do you need to send out all those damn wedding things? Well, first of all, you don’t NEED to send anything (except Thank You notes), and every wedding is works differently. But here’s a super-helpful guide to when to send out wedding info for maximum efficiency purposes…

9119134743 dabc005954 n alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How do you make sure guests don’t get confused by your offbeat ceremony invitation?

I was recently approached by a family member who received an invitation to an offbeat ceremony. While the invitee was thrilled to be invited, the question arose… what is this event? Wedding? Elaborate costume party? Dinner theater? Nowhere on the invite was it specified. So with offbeat invites… what is the best way of making sure your guests aren’t confused about the event they’re attending?

Sneaky Ways to Save on Vistaprint wedding invitations alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

4 clever ways to save on VistaPrint wedding invitations

So I’m kind of a Vistaprint pro. I’ve been using their printing services for years, and have had great experience getting decent quality stuff on the cheap. It’s really quite astounding how much you can get, for how little money, as compared to other print shops. I wanted to share a couple of things I’ve learned over the years ordering stuff for myself, stuff for work, and now stuff for my wedding.