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Alternative Wedding Ceremony Ideas & Examples

We’ve got SO much wedding ceremony advice like how to officiate a wedding, tons of wedding ceremony readings, a bazillion wedding ceremony scripts, and even wedding vow examples! We’ve also got info about handfasting and other unity ceremonies. You’ll want to start here: Wedding Ceremony 101.

Non religious wedding ceremony script on offbeat wed blog alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Super thorough non-religious wedding ceremony script PLUS readings and music suggestions

If you’re officiating for a friend, this is the ULTIMATE wedding officiant script! So if you’re looking for some non-religious wedding ceremony ideas to steal, this wedding script is full of ’em… you won’t find a single mention of prayer, Corinthians, holy matrimony, the covenant of marriage, or solemn vows. Do your own variation, add your own promises or declaration of intent, insert your own blessings, and make it yours for your big day!

Handfasting ceremony script with ring exchange and vows on offbeat wed alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Handfasting ceremony script with ring exchange and vows

This handfasting ceremony script will give you ideas for your vows and ceremony wording. This template uses the words bride and groom to reflect Denise and Lee’s wedding, but of course the language could easily be tweaked for a wedding with folks who identify as LGBTQ or nonbinary.

How to have a virtual wedding on offbeat bride 3 scaled alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Are virtual weddings legal? Plus a virtual wedding ceremony outline!

Virtual weddings aren’t just for pandemic times. Are you an introvert? Virtual wedding. All your friends and family are abroad? Virtual wedding. Is your budget small, but your community large? Virtual wedding. They’re legal in many states, and we’ve even got a virtual wedding ceremony outline for ya!

aggressively atheist non religious wedding vows on offbeat bride 4 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

My aggressively atheist non-religious wedding vows and ceremony script

Our wedding ceremony was admittedly what some might call “aggressively atheist,” and my bridesmaids noticed that a few people looked…surprised? I think those who didn’t know us especially well expected we would do what our own parents did and go with something more standard and semi-religious. We certainly are not in peoples faces about our atheism, but we wanted to be VERY clear about who we are and a wedding is a great time to make yourself known. Feel free to steal these atheist wedding vows!

A horse ranch wedding with a horseback ceremony and DIY for days

That “Apache wedding blessing” isn’t Native American at all

That well-known “Apache wedding blessing” reading has nothing to do with Native American culture in any way shape or form, other than that it’s something that a white dude imagined Native Americans might possibly say. So I wrote a new one.

recessional alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

16 unique recessional wedding songs for your offbeat wedding ceremony

Recessional songs bookmark your wedding ceremony as a match for your processional. Here’s a list of happy, triumphant, meaningful pieces of music from many different genres.