How to elope AND share the wedding with your family at the same time

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What happens when you decide to elope and then, at the last minute, you want desperately to also share that experience with your families? Thanks to technology you can do what Andy and Cassie did …


You can Skype!


Their friend and elopement-day photography, Maggie Ashla, explained:

The bride set up skype in the upstairs window of the boathouse, looking out on the dock to where they got married. Her mom could watch the whole thing.

Afterwards they walked the laptop around the house, showing the boathouse, the rings, the dress, and toasting with their families in Vancouver and South Dakota who also popped champagne and cheered.


“Yay” for technology, amaright? Also “yay” for their super-intimate and beautiful wedding. Lookie..


If you want to see more of Maggie Ashla's spectacular photos, head over here. And if you're interested in learning more about broadcasting your wedding, check out these posts.

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Comments on How to elope AND share the wedding with your family at the same time

  1. Gorgeous! The pier makes an excellent aisle. I’m doing the same thing at a different location, but cramming my whole family out there with me.

  2. I love this idea! Perfect for the couple that wants the wedding, but doesn’t want to be in front of a bunch of people, and wants to keep it intimate!

  3. Thanks for posting this! We are thinking about ditching the big wedding and eloping in March (we are grad students so it’ll be during spring break…doesn’t that sound awful though? lol), this might be a way to placate our mothers. Soooo thankful for the post! And their wedding looks like it was special and wonderful, congrats to Andy and Cassie!

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