Remember last time I showed you a crocheted wedding cake by telling you that “you can have your cake and NOT eat it too“? Well this time Rachel and Jeremy show us that you can have a crocheted wedding cake and eat it too. But first, let's take a look at this crocheted cake in all its glory:

The cake was crocheted by many of their friends. And, yes, it is topped with rainbow mohawked unicorns!
Now as to how you can eat this thing…
Cleverly, this cake had two crocheted pieces, ready to be fed to the bride and groom. Maybe they weren't the most flavorful slices, but that's okay… sometimes taste has to be sacrificed in order to get adorable photos.
Thinking of getting more crocheted items into your wedding? Check out our archive of weddings that featured crochet projects. Or perhaps you want to scour our archives of alternative cakes? Please, help yourself.
Oh my goodness, that’s amazing!
I’m especially fond of the unicorn’s tiny little rainbow manes….
I absolutely love the “piping” around the edge of each layer. I bow down in awe of these crafty skillz.
so cute! so clever to have “slices”! but….are those…tomatoes at the base?
They are pumpkins. Our theme was pumpkins and unicorns 🙂
So tempted to ask my crocheter friend for a couple of slices of cake! My diabetic fiance certainly doesn’t need to be eating the real deal! (Don’t worry, there’ll be sugar free cheesecake for him, which is his fave anyway!)
ha ha Rainbow Mohawk Unicorns! Amazing. What a fun and unique idea.