A green house wedding shower: best idea or bestest idea?
Caitlinn and Luke are planning their summer camp wedding for later this year, but we’ve got a sneak peek at their killer really green house wedding shower first. Our eyes were seriously boggling over the lush greenery, succulents, and plant-themed goodies that were served. Plus, who plans a wedding shower in a green house? Flippin’ love it. Don’t miss the seed packet favors, veggies everywhere, and dinosaur touches.
Co-ed printable wedding shower game: can you guess these wedding traditions?
We love us some wedding shower games, and we got a great one from a reader recently that asks party guests to guess the origins of some popular wedding traditions. I then whipped up a printable version of the wedding traditions wedding shower game for everyone to print and use at your parties. Here’s the original suggestion and of course, the printable game sheet + answer key.
Up your card box’s geek game by using an original Nintendo Entertainment System
Heather and Matt had lots of 8-bit references in their wedding, but our favorite was definitely their Nintendo card box. The best part was their instructions sign that read, “If it does not work on first try, blow on card and reinsert card.” HA. If you don’t get that reference, you’re most likely a youngin’.
This project brings so much retro radness in a small, DIYed package that will appeal to all your old school gamer pals.
Waffles and chill: 14 essential ice cream bar tips
Look, cake is the tits. But sometimes you just want to shake things up and offer up something a little different, dessert-wise. Enter the ice cream bar! Lillian and Jon’s woodland forest wedding meet kitties wedding featured a most nom-worthy gelato bar for which we wanted to climb into the screen. Let’s look at their bar and learn how you can take your ice cream bar game up to 11.