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Working tirelessly to bring you stimulating content day after day, the Offbeat Wed editors will not sleep until you've gotten your offbeat fix.
sdgg 071812 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Lisa & Kevin’s garden party comfort food wedding

A little bit comic book, a little bit DIY, a little bit picnic: that’s what makes up this amazing outdoor wedding. Oh, and a healthy dose of ooey gooey love! Make yourself a root beer float and get ready for some super sweet details.

ELSA alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Harry Potter, Doctor Who, horses, and a four-figure discount from NY’s Milestone Images

I think this is my favorite interview with one of our most prolific and wonderfully honest sponsors — Angie from Milestone Images. Not only do we get to see the once-viral sonic screwdriver bouquet in action, but we get to hear a photographers candid opinion on why her services are worth the money, why she’s a great fit for DIY couples, AND we get never-before-seen admissions about the depths of her Harry Potter nerd-dom.

Oh, and I get to share with your our first ever four-figure discount from a wedding photographer.

6504993493 8882c57862 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Rome, Italy, Sorrento, and the Amalfi coast: Heidi & Erin show you how to rock your Italian honeymoon

Heidi and Erin spent ten nights in Italy, four in Rome and six in Sorrento for their honeymoon. If you’re thinking of going on a dreamy Italian honeymoon you will want to read this — they did it, and they did it RIGHT.

dsfff 070912 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kathleen & Lucky’s traditional 1950s wedding

This pair is a self-described June and Ward Cleaver queer couple, which is just rad. The wedding itself mirrored this with its 1950s-style traditional vows and style. They also found time to sneak off during the reception for a little alone time, which was not missed by the hooting and hollering crowd.