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Working tirelessly to bring you stimulating content day after day, the Offbeat Wed editors will not sleep until you've gotten your offbeat fix.
7518514780 aa247d96a7 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Cindy & Joe’s steampunk sci-fi DIY wedding

Cost-effectiveness, steampunk, fun times, and recycling were the tenets of this wedding. Those along with a whole lot of style! With some geeky references and really sweet love letters (full of psychic connections!), this steampunk wedding will definitely leave you thinking that these two were meant to be.

18924027955 594161c363 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

6 reasons why wedding planning seems to make everyone act crazy

In the wake of some drama with our families, I’ve been reading a bit on why wedding planning seems to make people act crazy and unreasonable. And I think I’ve come to some conclusions on why both of our families are being so bloody difficult throughout this whole process.

7776499014 5748606dcf alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jessie & Mark’s fête fun, games, and baking wedding

This UK fête wedding had all the games you’d expect: Splat the Alien, a Nerf-gun Monster Shooting Gallery, and a Hook-A-Duck. Plus they had board games, a baking contest, and even Tombola! It was like the most excellent carnival + wedding ever. It doesn’t hurt that these two are ultra adorable and really crafty. Lots of DIY = lots of personalization.

fdfdfd 082912 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kat & Scott’s gamer geek gathering (with a side of wedding)

This pair knows how to play to their audience: board games, Rock Band, and gamer references all over this joint. They even have D6 cake pops! You’ll also love the sweet ending to the tale of a nervous brother and his ring warming duty. This is one kick-ass geekfest for gamers and those who love them.