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Working tirelessly to bring you stimulating content day after day, the Offbeat Wed editors will not sleep until you've gotten your offbeat fix.
4452343053 05cac34918 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Simple afternoon tea wedding menu

Now that we’re back to catering our own wedding (with major help from the wedding party), I whipped up a concrete version of the simple afternoon tea wedding menu that’s been running around in my head. I’m aiming to keep this very very simple to spare us stress and cost and time.

8079826434 d1d41c2003 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Sophiya & Delphine’s French/Indian garden soirée wedding

These two were born and raised in two completely different parts of the world, don’t belong to the same race, speak the same languages, or share the same culture. France-meets-India by way of New York all the way to Montreal where these two ladies marry in garden with a lounge-style reception and a menu that would give other menus a run for their money.

8067641463 24b2c50d8c b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Gemma & Neil’s proper English harvest festival wedding

This couple’s harvest wedding in a green rolling field of England has a feast of desserts, a private hayride, and wait till you see what the groomsmen have on under their kilts!

Glide through your wedding day like an athlete

Glide through your wedding day like an athlete

We’ve got a great tip to keep everything “running smoothly” and save your tender parts from the chaffing of a big day of celebration. Protect your thighs, your feet, and all your other parts by prepping like an athlete. See how a little bit of grease-less, hands-free anti-chaffing can help you glide through your wedding day.