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Screen shot 2012 11 27 at 7.31.28 PM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Make these custom chalkboard mugs for your wedding party

I was totally stumped about what to get our wedding party as “thank you” gifts for helping us out on our wedding day. I mean, nothing I found was going to say thank you quite the way I want. After a lot of thinking, and probably too many hours on Pinterest, I settled on an idea I thought was fun… chalkboard mugs. Here’s how I pulled these off…

8218866277 dcbfe0b0c6 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Heather & Tim’s tiny fall guerrilla wedding in the park

Follow those ruby slippers! Loving the simplicity of this ceremony in the park with a brother from each side of this partnership co-officiating before heading back to the couple’s apartment to celebrate. The cozy party features lots of beaming faces of all ages — even a quiet moment with their cats.

couple1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

9 tips for a disability-friendly wedding (…especially when you’re not visibly disabled)

Unless I’m moving around none of my disabilities are particularly visible. However amongst our guests we had lots of friends and relatives with health issues of varying degrees and severity. We chose our venue and all the details of the day based on what would make everything as comfortable as possible for everyone invited. Unfortunately I pretty much forgot to take into account my own health. In hindsight, these are the things I learned or wish I’d have done at my own wedding…

7570647186 c1600bda55 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Hanae & Shawn’s ferns and feathers farm wedding

Tractors, chickens and the cutest grandma pictures ever are just the beginning of this farm wedding. DIY chicken cake toppers seem to high-five the festivities, and chicken feathers made a subtle, chic appearance on the bride’s shoes, in the groom’s boutonniere, and all the bouquets. With a cluck cluck here and a cluck cluck there…