Lauren & Tyler’s old time rock ‘n’ roll music madness wedding
Music was so interwoven into the fabric of this wedding. From their music venue to the guitar picks in the bride’s hair, the DIY record luminary centerpieces and the guestbook guitar, this couple rocked their wedding. Plus, their mis-matched bridesmaids not only out-shoed each other with some killer stilettos, but wait till you see their faces during the bouquet toss!
Leah & Lisa’s fantastical whirlwind wedding of rainbows and butterflies
OMG rainbows! The Honor Party of Awesomeness is attired in a rainbow of petticoats, suspenders, ties, Converse, and shades, and that’s only the beginning. Ribbons of rainbows follow a rainbow of butterflies all through the details. Check out the cake topper that inspired it all and the pinky promise, thumb-touch, lick that sealed the deal.
On feminism, marriage equality, and my impending marriage
My impending marriage has certainly forced me to confront expectations, and to articulate and affirm the values and ideas which I hold most dear. For me, these would be feminism and marriage equality. However, the prospect of my impending marriage (to a lovely, understanding, open-minded and progressive straight cis-man) has forced me to clarify my perspectives on these two ideas to a much greater extent than ever before. In the process, I have become even firmer in my support of these two positions. Why has my position on feminism and marriage equality been strengthened? I’ll explain.
Karina & Murray’s monocles and Mario wedding
Monocles and Mario Kart and much to love in this wedding — from the 1,000 origami paper cranes to the father of the bride’s amazing outfit, this DIY wedding has it all: self-catered vegan cupcakes (and an entire vegan dessert bar, ahem!), personalized vows, a divine red dress, and a seriously cool venue. Tip of the top hat to you two, too!