Aron & Kyle’s New Year’s Eve theater wedding
A purple dress and pin-striped suit in the snow is amazing. The theater and unity cocktail with “Dudeist” officiant is even more to love. Set it on New Year’s Eve, make vows to a one-year-old, and give your groomsmen nicknamed tuxedo t-shirts, and we’ll all fall in love with your cute asses. Read on to fall in love yourself.
Orange wedding shoes
Ok, look: two weeks ago I did green wedding shoes. Last week I did yellow wedding shoes. Shall we just make a series of it and move on to orange wedding shoes?!
Yes, we shall!
Aidan & John’s Celtic renaissance faerie handfasting
There’s a faerie attendant climbing under the bride’s skirt and a groomsmaiden finding out exactly what’s under all those kilts, and that’s just the beginning of this beautiful and sometimes bawdy renaissance faerie handfasting. These two and their castmates put one awesome production of a wedding, complete with royal officiating and Celtic music. Find out what color the bride changed into and how she managed the amazing sleeves as the evening went on.
Kelsey & Heather’s lesbian family’s farm fresh wedding
Double the brides, double the rainbow! These two brides were married on a rainy day in a big barn full of family and friends. With locally-sourced scrumptious foods and touches of their most recent home in Tanzania, this globe-trotting family stretched their wedding day into a longer party to spend as much time as possible with guests. See how they wove their words and community vows into a most beautiful cry-face…