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Working tirelessly to bring you stimulating content day after day, the Offbeat Wed editors will not sleep until you've gotten your offbeat fix.
sww 5 010613 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Andrell & Aaron’s Padme and Anakin Star Wars wedding

This week we’re celebrating our sci-fi-loving, fantasy-squeeing, and comic book-collecting couples. Today’s wedding features a full-on Star Wars Halloween theme including lake dress Padme and Dark Anakin. There’s lots of lightsaber fun (including the cake cutters!) and even some Jawas escorting the bride.

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Alysa & Ansell’s geektastic extravaganza wedding

This week we’re celebrating our sci-fi-loving, fantasy-squeeing, and comic book-collecting couples. That’s right: it’s geek week! What do X-Men, a bounce house, a sno-cone machine, purple shoes and a wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey card box have in common? This wedding!

purple wedding shoes alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Get married in purple shoes

Why get married in purple shoes? Because you’ll look like a purple-heeled bombshell. Why? Because you’ll look like royalty. Why? Because you’ll look like a surreal circus freak. As you can see, we’ve featured a LOT of purple-footed brides over the years, so it makes perfect sense that I’d take some time to dabble in purple shoes. These range from the prettiest pale lilac to the deepest almost-blue, from $40 to $1400, completely flat to towering tall. But they’re all purple. And they’re all awesome (especially the ones with the de-socketed eyeballs!)

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Anna & Joe’s circus carnival and costume ball wedding

From her breathtaking blood-red gown to his dapper top hat and tails, these two are the picture of gorgeous Victorian fashion. I’ll bet you’d be surprised at who their officiant was! Their old-school carnival/circus-themed tent of lights, stripes, juggling, and fire let them entertain their guests and share the spotlight that’s often squarely on the couple getting married — a smooth move. You’re also going to love the late night dip in the pool, the killer shoes, and the heartwarming grandfather as an admiring admiral just bursting with happy mid-hug.