Info for save the dates and 3 things to be sure to include
Our Save the Date postcards turned out pretty well, I have received many compliments. But if I could do them all over again, I would do a few things differently.
Here are the three things we should have included on our save the date postcards.
Shannon & Tim’s mawwiage of two lovenerds wedding
This week we’re celebrating our sci-fi-loving, fantasy-squeeing, and comic book-collecting couples. That’s right: it’s geek week! If you want to see these two lovenerds make out, you’d better bring your d20 and your A-game — fail to our-roll the couple and you’ll be dancing like a little teapot. Win, and make them dance. Check out more of this D&D meets Princess Bride mawwiage!
The wedding industry isn’t targeting you… it’s targeting your parents
One thing that my time working as telemarketer gave me — other than a very black conscience — is understanding about how different generations process and interpret media.
We spend a lot of time here laughing about the Wedding Industrial Complex, and we should, because it’s fucking hilarious. But it’s not really directed at us. It’s directed at our mothers.
This geeky Browncoat wedding was shiniest wedding in the ‘verse
This week we’re celebrating our sci-fi-loving, fantasy-squeeing, and comic book-collecting couples. Today we have a couple of hardcore Browncoats celebrating with dinosaur centerpieces, Nerf Mavericks, and Firefly-inspired costumes.