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Working tirelessly to bring you stimulating content day after day, the Offbeat Wed editors will not sleep until you've gotten your offbeat fix.
not inviting family to wedding crop alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The drama-minimizing guide to not inviting family members to your wedding

Ug. This is a post no one wants to write, but that definitely needs to be written. Unfortunately, for a whole bunch of legitimate reasons ranging from addiction to abuse, crime to communication problems, some of you are going to face the challenge of not inviting certain family members (or ANY family members) to your wedding.

10450415504 4fb41223b9 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Holly & Fernando’s teeny tiny Harry Potter renaissance festival wedding

Only a few weeks to prepare, only room for 12 guests… how can they make this work?! Oh, they so did. The small guest list totally fit this introverted couple’s preferences, and the intimate space amid the hustle and bustle of a renaissance fest was fabulously adorable. Add in some Harry Potter colors (Ravenclaws represent!), an “Always” necklace, and “Mischief Managed” rings, and you’ve got the recipe to brew up a love potion for us all.

9853796756 6f5485543c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Danielle & Russell’s “NormPod Wedding Experience” all around San Francisco

This whirlwind of a wedding goes all over San Francisco, on top of a two-story carousel, into parks and pubs, and flies a kite the whole time. Plus, it’s so much of a whirlwind that it started 45 minutes early and the couple didn’t even realize it! You might remember this bride from her GoPro bouquet, so here’s the full, amazing, colorful story from the couple themselves.

oh shit kit alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Two OH SHIT KIT packing lists – be twice as prepared for all wedding day emergencies

What’s an OH SHIT KIT? It’s the bag filled with all the important items you might find yourself needing on your wedding day. Think of it as your emergency preparedness kit for your wedding day. What to put in your OH SHIT KIT? We’ve got your packing list right here…

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Emma & Brian’s geeky rainy love fest wedding

This wedding is such a testament to budget weddings and their ability to be completely awesome without lots of bells and whistles. But three things they definitely found room for were their three geek-tastic cakes: Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who. You’ll also never guess how one of the bride’s brothers found a way to be present without actually being able to attend. Plus, we dare you to find ALL the geeky and bookish references in their epic, communal ceremony reading. So many references!

cute retro swimsuit alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Something old, new, borrowed and skimpy: Would you get married in a swimsuit?

Ariel was quoted in an article yesterday about a new trend of bridal swimsuits…