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Author of three editions of the Offbeat Bride book and its sequel (From Shitshow To Afterglow, the ultimate offbeat breakup book), Ariel Meadow Stallings is the publisher of all the Offbeat Empire web properties. She lives in Seattle with her son. You can read her latest writing here.
4228500279 b9931bdffc m alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A peek behind the offbeat curtain

I’ve gotten a few emails asking about the nitty gritty of Offbeat Bride, and how things are run behind the offbeat curtain, as it were. If this kind of thing is interesting to you, read on! The Offbeat Empire (as I lovingly call it) is my full-time job, and I gotta say that after a […]

barfing baby screenshot alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How can I ask for cash instead of gifts?

The short answer: very, VERY carefully. The longer answer? Watch. Oh and sorry for the barfing baby.

bridesmaid with lantern as seen on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Lanterns instead of bouquets

We’ve featured tons of non-floral bouquet alternatives, but here’s one alternative I think we’ll be seeing more of in the future: Rachael‘s bridesmaids carried red glass lanterns instead bouquets …

shopstyle alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

ShopStyle and the digital paper dolls

So, I’ve never really understood the whole “inspiration board” thing. I guess I’m just not a collage maker, so organizing my wedding ideas that way just didn’t appeal to me. Evidently, however, I DO like to play with dolls, because I’ve recently been sucked into ShopStyle, which essentially lets you create “Looks” based on their […]