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Author of three editions of the Offbeat Bride book and its sequel (From Shitshow To Afterglow, the ultimate offbeat breakup book), Ariel Meadow Stallings is the publisher of all the Offbeat Empire web properties. She lives in Seattle with her son. You can read her latest writing here.
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The most adorable bridesmaids you will see today, guaranteed

I mean seriously — the peacock necklaces? The purple ribbon fascinators? The purple gloves!? And you haven’t even SEEN the shoes yet! For more adorableness from Sam’s bridesmaids, keep reading! Two of these bridesmaids are the groom’s daughters… Sam made the adorable fascinators that the bridesmaids are wearing: She also made the peacock feather clips […]

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Still thinking about Offbeat Bride, a year after the wedding

“Although our wedding was, in the end, quite traditional, I appreciated and valued Offbeat Bride so much for reminding me, and us, to make choices that were right for us, rather than simply doing things for convention’s sake.”

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New reader photo!

It’s been a while since I’ve featured a reader photo — all my photos feature my OLD book cover, but finally a reader took a shot with the new (and in my opinion, much lovelier) second edition.

megan and coco alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Offbeat staff photographers WEST: Megan Finley Photography in Los Angeles, CA

When you book Megan Finley Photography to shoot your wedding you get TWO offbeat editors showing up on your wedding day. Hell, for all you know I might crash the wedding and start photo bombing.