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Author of three editions of the Offbeat Bride book and its sequel (From Shitshow To Afterglow, the ultimate offbeat breakup book), Ariel Meadow Stallings is the publisher of all the Offbeat Empire web properties. She lives in Seattle with her son. You can read her latest writing here.
Feed your guests and fix all your problems with fruit bouquets alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Feed your guests and fix all your problems with fruit bouquets!

How do you simultaneously appease family demands for “more than just cake” while also bringing joy to all your guests with restricted diets AND adding an explosion of color to your reception tables? Oh AND providing wedding favors?! Fruit bouquets are the answer to all these woes as more, as Offbeat Bride Tribe member Moonlitfractal explains…

Grandma Flower Girls

Have grandmas as flower girls!

How can you not be completely fucking charmed by these grandmas as flower girls at Lana & Michael’s wedding? When I saw these two, I pretty much said “awwwwww” until I deflated completely like a balloon.

8671073730 1b2695b29e c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Tough conversations about marriage: why an online prenup is a good start

Recently, an old friend of mine decided to have a non-legal commitment ceremony… a commitzvah, they called it. For various reasons, she and her dude decided they didn’t want to legally get married, but you know what they did instead? They sat down with a lawyer, and had some really, really difficult conversations and worked out a legally-binding commitment agreement. Conversations about money. Conversations about children and aging parents. Conversations about fidelity and divorce. Realistically, because they opted to build their legally-binding commitment from scratch, they had conversations that many of us planning state-recognized marriages don’t have.

pregnant bride wedding 2 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Reality check: wedding planning isn’t SO bad

We have a tag archive here on Offbeat Bride called overcoming adversity, and it’s all about couples who’ve dealt with significant, serious challenges on the path to the altar. Now, I don’t mean challenges like, “My divorced parents don’t get along; how will I do the seating chart?” or “What if it rains?” Not to diminish the reality of these challenges, but they’re just on a different level than, say, “My mother is dying so we threw the wedding together in a month” or “my partner was attacked by a shark.”

In the name of perspective shifting and reality checks, let’s take a wander through some of our overcoming adversity posts… because there’s nothing like cancer, premature babies, peg legs, and tornadoes to help you get your seating chart woes in perspective.