The offbeat bride: Cori, Nanny
Her offbeat partner: Evan, Zipline Course Manager
Location & date of wedding: Foxboro Ranch Estates, Flagstaff, Arizona — August 29, 2009
What made our wedding offbeat: We got engaged on the top of a mountain in the spring and three months later were standing in a huge meadow surrounded by our family and friends getting married.
We didn't need a long engagement or a big show, we didn't feel the need to buck traditions but we also made no attempt to follow them. We chose to be married in Flagstaff because it had some of the great outdoors that we missed from home in Alaska. We had awesome local organic gluten free food, Fat Tire beer, Trader Joe's wine, and no dessert… because we didn't need it.
Our huge group of friends traveled everywhere from the far north and both sides of the ocean to be with us, and all of them dressed in vintage.
People showed up early to mingle and enjoy drinks and we were there to greet everyone. We all walked out together to the meadow and stood in a semi-circle while a friend performed the simple ceremony that we had created together. My sister stood by me and Evan's brother stood next to him. We spoke our own vows and promises, we didn't have any entrance/exit music. The rest of the evening was spent celebrating our union and the reunion of us all finally together again… with nonstop dancing to music from our wonderful DJ: the iBook G4.
Our biggest challenge: Our biggest challenge was dealing with the life issues we had to face in addition to planning a destination wedding in twelve weeks. We also had to stick to our budget of $6,000. When it would get too overwhelming it was time to take a step back and let go of things that were out of our control. I had to learn to delegate and reach out to my community of family and friends that were eager to help. Once we did that it was overwhelming how much support we were given.

Over half of the wedding guests (we only had seventy-six total) showed up the day before to help with everything from setup to running errands and creating DIY decorations. The day of they took over doing my hair and makeup, creating bouquets, bartending, and even surprised us with a limo ride home. Once we let go of things and chose not to stress or plan too much, it all just fell together perfectly. There ended up being so much meaning behind the individual things that it didn't matter at all if everything was perfect or not. It just took me awhile to realize that, and things were so much better once I did.

My favorite moment: I had no aisle to walk down. We were simply going out into the meadow and have everyone stand in a circle while the ceremony was performed. I followed the trailing crowd into the meadow arm in arm with my immediate family (my father, mother, and sister), instead of being walked out by just my father. Once we came to the edge of the circle it suddenly parted and I could see Evan standing in the middle smiling and waiting for me to come to him. It's the one of the most vivid moments I remember, as my mother split off and my sister followed as my father gave me away to the man I was about to marry. The feeling was unreal, the butterflies in my stomach fluttering excessively.
The whole ceremony with the sun filtering through the trees and being surrounded by the circle of unfailing love everyone had for each other and for us. I was absolutely blown away.
My offbeat advice: Always remember what your wedding day is about and who it is for: you. It's not a show for anyone else, not an evening of entertainment you provide, it's a celebration of an outward commitment that you and the one you love are making to each other. The best piece of advice I could give is to always be true to yourselves, don't control, let the little things go, and let the people that love you be involved.
Care to share a few vendor/shopping links?
- Dress: Nicole Miller IE0003 from Ebay
- Hair Piece: Blackbirdblue from Etsy
- Bolero: MaryandAngelika from Etsy
- Photographer: Sarah Neal Photography
- Caterer: Thornager's Catering
Absolutely beautiful.:] Love the vintage look, and the mason jars are such a nifty idea!
Congrads :]
Thanks so much for the feature!!! This site was a huge help to us during the planning process, and I love being a part of the OBB 🙂
Gorgeous. Stylish. Rustic. I love this, and I’m so getting myself one of those boleros!
The whole look of the wedding is beautiful, but what I really find stunning is the emotion shown in the photos. You guys really look happy and in love and (for me who’s getting lost in details) it’s a nice reminder of what the day is really about.
Hi, I love love love your wedding!!! the pictures, emotions…How ever did you make the pictures in the mason jars, that is so stunning!
This really is a lovely wedding. Congrats on making it look so naturally beautiful. Also, you two look SO in love!
Wow, y’alls wedding was beautiful and I think that
“It’s not a show for anyone else, not an evening of entertainment you provide, it’s a celebration of an outward commitment that you and the one you love are making to each other.”
is the best advice I’ve received about planning my wedding. Thank you for sharing your beautiful day.
A big YeaHHH from Holland! Some of the pictures wept my eyes. Getting married in three weeks and are doing it our way. Hope it will be as lovely as yours.
OMG, I know I’d seen this bride before, and it was from Maryandangelika’s etsy shop when I was looking for my bolero! The first photo is the one that convinced me to get my own there. Can’t wait to wear it in 5 days. What a beautiful, meaningful, simple (not a bad thing!) wedding.
This wedding is gorgeous, absolutely, flawlessly perfect. AAAH. I want to get married again!
To the same person, of course. 😉
Absolutely gorgeous – and a nice reminder about keeping it all simple!
Fat Tire? That gorgeous bolero? This wedding is kidding me with it’s awesomeness, right? Beautiful.
Oh Sis! Totally cried reading this feature. Your whole life you’ve been attuned to what’s really important and true. I love reading people’s comments and seeing how the point of your wedding day hasn’t been lost in the translation of wedding-blogdom and “porn.” Your example keeps me focused and I can’t wait to have you stand beside me on my wedding day!!! LOVE YOU!
I can’t stop looking at her bolero jacket. It is so beautiful!
This looks like a wedding that I would like to be a part of.
Unbwogable- You can check out how we made the mason jars here:
I actually still have the first two I made on our mantel and they’ve lasted in great condition for over 6 months!
~Thanks for everyone’s compliments, but a lot of the credit really has to go to everyone else that helped pull it together! And we do love each other, a ridiculous amount. That’s what it’s all about anyway!
It’s so great to hear from so many women who are like minded! You all are the kind of people I would have LOVED to party with at my wedding.
OMG! I am in love! Totally inspired by the ceremony!
i’m in LOVE with the wedding tree with fingerprints of guests- where was that from!?
beautiful wedding, spot-on advice, and great DIY inspiration. I am definitely making one of those “Wedding Trees” – Felicitations to the bride!
All this fabulousness… so inspired by such a “be true to yourself” approach to planning… and life! The joy is obvious! Well done!
that bolero jacket is AMAZING!!! was it custom-made?
I love this! Congratulations. This post is very inspiring.
How inspiring! I just ordered that exact same bolero (but in green) for our wedding! You wear it wonderfully and your wedding looks fabulous and full of love. Congrats!
the fingerprint ‘guestbook’ tree idea is absolutely brilliant! it literally took my breath away.
Most. Beautiful. Wedding. Ever!!!
Absolutely my favorite wedding–just the right vibe for me, and totally gorgeous!
Insanely amazing. I love everything about it. Beautiful photos.
This wedding was gorgeous, you can feel the love they have for each other and the love from their families in the photographs! Her dress was stunning and they just look so happy! Beautiful 🙂
I love, love, love this wedding. I unfortunately had started feeling apathetic towards our wedding day with all the stress and important yet stupid details. After seeing the pictures again, I am reinspired. OUr day is going to be awesome!
I LOVE the idea of the whole family walking the bride down the aisle… Was the same done for the groom’s family?
AMAZING wedding. 🙂
I love your idea of a wedding in a meadow. My daughter wants the same type of wedding, but she is looking in Montana but wants to consider Arizona also because it is where all her friends and family live. How did you use this area? I would love to show her your blog if it is possible for to have a wedding there. Thank you!