Tattoo your guests temporarily with a vintage-styled tattoo station

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All photos by Tino and Pip.
All photos by Tino and Pip.

We've talked about making and giving away temporary tattoos as wedding favors, but what about setting up a tattooing station at your wedding? Emily and Phil's wedding had this awesome tattoo station from Doris Loves set up at their reception. Look, learn, and let your guests get inked…

wedding tattoo station choices

wedding tattoo station application

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Comments on Tattoo your guests temporarily with a vintage-styled tattoo station

  1. Oh, I love everything about this idea….And my actual tattooist did just ask if there was anything he could do at the wedding to help out….

    • Were you actually tattood at your wedding? I think that is so cool. I’ve thought about doing it myself, but I have no idea what it might cost to have an artist bring their equipment to another location.

  2. Whoa….I love tattoos and all, but getting one impulsively wouldn’t be my style. I feel like at a raging reception with lots of alcohol, there could be a lot of people waking up the next day with a permanent souvenir and a lot of dismay.

    That said, wow, what wedding favors!

    • From the looks of the images, the “tattoos” were done with tattoo markers and were not permanent. The equivalent of having facepainting or hennaing. So not nearly so scary and not nearly so expensive. 🙂

    • Kaitlin, this was a Temporary Tattoo station, not a Real Tattoo Station!

      • Ohhhh. I must not have looked close enough. When the article compared it to giving *temporary* tattoos, I assumed these were permanent. In that case, I would totally do this! ;D

  3. I love this idea! Would have been a lot of fun, although we would have struggled with the fact that we wouldn’t have known who to ask since the only tattoo artist my dude really knows would have been a guest or even the best man had they been friends at the time. I could have made my dude do it, of course. 🙂

  4. I am getting married 5-15-15 and I absolutely love this idea~ Me and my fiancé are pretty big on tattoos so I think having this at our wedding would be different and totally us! Our wedding is already a non-traditional wedding! 😀

  5. OMG we are having a DIY tattoo station and this has given me SO many ideas!! Epic!! 🙂

  6. Love this idea, would want to adapt it to our aesthetic. Anybody in Seattle with some colorful psychedelic magic marker skills, ping me back about this!

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