Our sponsor Jonathan Liaw describes himself as “an adventure-seeking, moment-loving, unicorn-riding, self-confessed geek with a camera for hire.” Clearly, this guy fits right in with all us moment-loving, adventure-seeking, unicorn-loving geeks. So if you live in Alberta allow me to introduce you to your future wedding photographer. Because we LOVE our Canadian readers, and we've found you someone else who loves you too!
Hey, even if you're not Canadian, you may still just be curious to find out what unicorns, zombies, rap, and Canadian Tire money have to do with awesome wedding photography…
Do your wedding plans consist of things like rapped wedding vows and a reception featuring a Power Point presentation? If so, Jonathan Liaw is the photographer who will totally encourage that kind of behavior…
I love clients with personality — people that are not afraid to show who they are and express it openly. If your wedding vows are in rap? (Been there, was awesome.) All the more power to you. If your ideal wedding is on your family's farm rather than in a stuffy church? Totally down too. Really, whatever expresses “YOU” the most, me and my camera will be there, right beside you.
Most of Jonathan's work isn't comprised of pose-y, staged shots. He's a wizard at capturing the real moments. In fact, he has a whole section devoted to fleeting seconds of intensity, silliness, or sweetness that a talented photographer can capture on film forever. But don't worry, Jonathan can rock the formals as well.

Hosting a wedding on your farm can be a whole lot of work, and this one was no exception. But when there's a barn built... Read more
Jonathan Liaw's pricing start at $2700, and he's super-upfront about ALL of his photography pricing. Of course, as he notes on his site all prices are in Canadian dollars — “No Canadian Tire money please.” (I totally had to look that up! Oh you Canadians.)
Seriously, his website is full of hidden gems of awesome. For example, when you contact him today you'll have to answer the question “Quick, there are zombies everywhere! What do you do?!” Get your answer prepared and click here!
But would he accept Timbits? 😉
Awesome photos! Plus always nice to see a photographer who will list pricing on their site and be honest about what it’s likely to run.
Oh man. I wish I knew about this photographer when I got married. We had about the same price for our photographer…but we had to pay extra in accomodations because he was from Calgary. I would’ve loved to use someone from my own city!
I might have to consider contacting him for a lifestyles session though!
This makes me so sad! I mean, we loved our photographers, but when we told them about some of our wedding elements let’s just say they were a little unfamiliar with the Doctor and non-white wedding shoes. I never had Jonathan Liaw’s name come up in any of my local searches, but I’ll be sure to recommend him to other offbeat friends 🙂 It’s exciting to have some offbeat vendors nearby!
Dude. I love your work–the photos (especially the red shirt guy) and the humour. Nice to see one of the good guys earning a living in the arts, and a fellow Azn Cdn to boot. Keep it up.
great shot!
Love the photos! Lol Canadian Tire money, I have a drawer full of the stuff and never remember to bring it when I go there. We call it Crappy Tire here