My book, Offbeat Bride: Tafetta-Free Alternatives for Independent Brides is into bookstores now, but this website simply can't wait another day.
So, I'm decreeing 2007 The Year Of The Offbeat Bride and unveiling (har) this website!
There's a lot here — the requisite book information, but also what I hope will become a pretty robust batch of content, including this blog, an advice column, wedding inspiration and real wedding profiles, vendor listings, and a bazillion other business ideas that I'm scheming.
There are still some kinks being worked out (ug, I see the typo in the header image, and there are some navigation and design tweaks coming, and of course I'm still proofing copy all over the place) but I'd love your feedback. Everything work the way you expect? Anything broken? Pipe up!
Very special thanks and adoration to both the designer (Carol Chapman) and my ever-helpful webmaster, producer, and coder extreme J.M. Dodd.
Now please — buy my book! 🙂