The Art Nouveau wedding: LEGO meets geek meets Southern hospitality
When Art Nouveau meets big time nerdery, it can only mean one thing: a gorgeous, LEGO-infused, DIYed wedding that spoils us with awesomeness. Don’t miss the two homemade cakes, the Lord of the Rings-esque Art Nouveau decor, and the awesome send-off. OH, and you’ll never guess what happened when the bride’s dad wasn’t there when it was time to walk down the aisle!
How to donate your wedding flowers to hospitals, shelters, or the elderly
Donating flowers, leftover catering, and dresses is totally a thing, and you can get in on it. We’ll talk fashion and catering another day, but for now, let’s talk about donating your flowers to hospitals or to senior living facilities. If you didn’t opt for non-floral bouquets and centerpieces, what would you do with all those perishable flowers anyway, right?
Queer Woodland Dungeons and Dragons Camping Trip Wedding
Rad and I met at probably the least romantic environment possible – working at the county Coroner’s office when we were both death investigators. After about a year of scene responses and autopsies (super romantic, I know), we were dating. From the beginning of our relationship, Rad was adamant that we would be getting married at some point in the future, turns out he was right!
The vows from this nerdy Star Wars wedding are Oscar-worthy
Where are the Oscars for wedding vows? Kat and Michael’s kinky and nerdy Star Wars wedding was filled with pop culture references, but their vows were totally original to them! We love that they’re writing their own love story – a Hollywood-worthy one, too! Try not to cry at these heartfelt and tender personalized wedding vows.